448 - 645
Updated by Wes Tumulka
The Spirit Checklist
is © 2001 Cat Yronwode
A downloadable copy of the whole of
The Spirit Checklist, formatted by Steve Meyer,
is available in either Adobe Acrobat (305KB) or as a zipped rtf document (149KB).
Abbreviations of Comics
& Magazines
Definitions of Terms Used
- also known as
- black & white (no differenciation is
made between halftone, line shots, proof, flat
tones, wash tones, zipatone or photostat)
- color/colour (no differenciation is made
between color that is the same as the original
sections or stories that have been recolored)
- A reprint that has a new framing sequence &
some original panels deleted
- Minor changes in artwork from the original
- Major changes in artwork from the original
- Same story, much dialogue same, names may be
changed, new art.
Spirit Checklist first appeared in The
Spirit Magazine #22 - #28 inclusive, published by
Kitchen Sink. Compiled by Cat Yronwode, it was
the first comprehensive listing of all
appearances of The Spirit.
This latest
version of the checklist is based upon that
original listing, but has some alterations:
Because of
the size of the Checklist, it is split into
1) Pre-war
and War Spirit Sections 1 - 290, click here.
2) Post-War Spirit Sections
by Will Eisner 291 - 447, click here.
3) Spirit Sections by
Eisner & others, 448 - 645 follow below.
4) Reprints of Spirit
Sections, new stories and appearances after 1952
(as well as in other media), click here.
Sections 448 through 567:
Scripts by Will Eisner or Jules Feiffer or Eisner and
Feiffer, with occasional ones by Klaus Nordling. Art by
Will Eisner (with backgrounds by Eisner and/or Jerry
Grandenetti, Andre Le Blanc, Manny Stallman, Klaus
Nordling, Jim Dixon and/or others) - except Section 519:
Script and Art by Andre Le Blanc with framing sequence by
Eisner and Section 522: Script by Feiffer and Eisner, Art
by Phillip (Tex) Blaisdell with framing sequence by
Eisner. Lettering, Sections 448 through 520 and 524
through 530 (plus a few later ones too) by Abe Kanegson;
Sections 521 through 523 and 531 through 567 by several
letterers, including Ben Oda and Chris Christiansen.
Colouring, Sections 448 through 567 by Jules Feiffer,
Will Eisner and others.
448. 26 December 1948
- Will Eisner's Almanack of the Year 1948
- Reprinted: KSP#39

449. 2 January 1949 -
- Reprinted: WAR#5
(B&W), KSP#39
450. 9 January 1949 - A
Prisoner of Love
- Reprinted: WAR#7
(B&W), KSP#39 (B&W)
- Notes: Warren reprint
has splash rearranged
451. 16 January 1949 - The
- Reprinted: WAR#7
(B&W), KSP#39 (B&W)
452. 23 January 1949 - Thorne
Strand and The Spirit aka Thorne Strand
- Reprinted: HAR#1
(COL), WAR#8 (B&W),
Spirit Color Album Vol. 3 (B&W),
KSP#40 (B&W)
- Notes: Harvey &
Warren reprints have splash lengthened, Ellen's hairdo
453. 30 January 1949 - A Slow
Ship to Shanghai
- Reprinted: WAR#8
(B&W), Spirit Color Album
Vol. 3 (COL), KSP#40
454. 6 February 1949 - The
Big Sneeze Caper
- Reprinted: WAR#7
(B&W), KSP#40 (B&W)
455. 13 February 1949 -
- Reprinted: HAR#1
(COL), WAR#8 (B&W),
KSP#40 (B&W), SCB
Vol 1 (B&W)
- Notes: The splash of the
Harvey reprint is redrawn
456. 20 February 1949 - The
- Reprinted: WAR#13
(B&W), KSP#41 (B&W)
457. 27 February 1949 - The
Deadly Comic Book
- Reprinted: HAR#2
(COL), WAR#5 (COL),
WAR Special (COL), KSP#41
- Notes: The Warren
reprints were retouched and rewritten in parts
458. 6 March 1949 - Glob
- Reprinted: WAR#6
(COL), WAR Special (COL),
KSP#41 (B&W)
459. 13 March 1949 - Death,
Taxes and... The Spirit
- Reprinted: WAR#5
(B&W), KSP#41 (B&W)
460. 20 March 1949 - The
Vernal Equinox
- Reprinted: WAR#9
(B&W), KSP#42 (B&W)
- Notes: The Warren
reprint was wrongly dated as 10 March 1949
461. 27 March 1949 - Foul
- Reprinted: WAR#3
(B&W), KSP#42 (B&W)
- Notes: The splash
rearranged in Warren reprint
462. 3 April 1949 - A Pot of
Gold... aka The Leprechaun
- Reprinted: WAR#8
(B&W), KSP#42 (B&W)
463. 10 April 1949 -
Introducing Lovely Looie
- Reprinted: WAR#9
(B&W), KSP#42 (B&W)
464. 17 April 1949 - Dolan
Walks a Beat (refried in 616)
- Reprinted: KSM#33
(B&W), KSP#43 (B&W)

465. 24 April 1949 - The
Spirit Now Deputy
- Reprinted: WAR#5
(B&W), KSP#43 (B&W)

466. 1 May 1949 - The Hunted
- Reprinted: WAR#5
(B&W), KSP#43 (B&W)

467. 8 May 1949 - Hamid Jebru
- Reprinted: WAR#5
(B&W), KSP#43 (B&W)

468. 15 May 1949 - The Crime
of Passion
- Reprinted: WAR#11
(B&W), KSP#44 (B&W)
469. 22 May 1949 - The Space
- Reprinted: WAR#9
(COL), WAR Special (COL),
KSP#44 (B&W)
470. 29 May 1949 - Young Dr.
- Reprinted: WAR#7
(COL), WAR Special (COL),
KSP#44 (B&W)
471. 5 June 1949 - Black
Alley (partially refried in 615)
- Reprinted: WAR#3
(B&W), KSP#44 (B&W)
472. 12 June 1949 - Satin
- Reprinted: WAR#8
(B&W), Spirit Color Album
Vol. 3 (COL), KSP#45
(B&W), SCB Vol 1 (B&W)
473. 19 June 1949 - The
- Reprinted: WAR#5
(B&W), KSP#45 (B&W)
474. 26 June 1949 - The
- Reprinted: WAR#4
(COL), WAR Special (COL),
KSP#45 (B&W)
475. 3 July 1949 - Ye Olde
Spirit of '76
- Reprinted: WAR#4
(B&W), KSP#45 (B&W)
476. 10 July 1949 - Lilly
- Reprinted: KSM#38
(B&W), KSP#46 (B&W), WE-3D#1 (B&W)

477. 17 July 1949 - Sally of
the Islands
- Reprinted: WAR#15
(B&W), KSP#46 (B&W)

478. 24 July 1949 - The
Masked Man
- Reprinted: WAR#15
(B&W), KSP#46 (B&W)

479. 31 July 1949 - The Ball
- Reprinted: WAR#15
(B&W), KSP#46 (B&W)

480. 7 August 1949 - Matua
- Reprinted: WAR#15
(B&W), KSP#47 (B&W)

481. 14 August 1949 - The
- Reprinted: WAR#5
(B&W), KSP#47 (B&W)

482. 21 August 1949 - The
- Reprinted: WAR#9
(B&W), KSP#47 (B&W)
- Notes: Splash redrawn in
Warren reprint

483. 28 August 1949 - White
- Reprinted: WAR#9
(B&W), KSP#47 (B&W)

484. 4 September 1949 - The
Story of Rat-Tat the Toy Machine Gun
- Reprinted: HAR#1
(COL), KSM#17 (B&W),
KSP#48 (B&W), SCB
Vol 1 (B&W)
- Splash lengthened in
Harvey reprint
485. 11 September 1949 - Ten
- Reprinted: HAR#1
(COL), WAR#13 (B&W),
KSP#48 (B&W), SCB
Vol 1 (B&W)
- Notes: Also made into a
short film in 1989 by Edgewood Motion Picture and

486. 18 September 1949 -
Lurid Love
- Reprinted: WAR#15
(B&W), KSP#48 (B&W)
487. 25 September 1949 - The
Return of Vino Red
- Reprinted: WAR#4
(B&W), KSP#48 (B&W)
488. 2 October 1949 - Crime aka
Autumn Mews
- Reprinted: WAR#11
(B&W), Spirit Color Album
Vol. 3 (COL), KSP#49
489. 9 October 1949 - Death
of Autumn Mews
- Reprinted: KSM#25
(B&W), Spirit Color Album
Vol. 3 (COL), KSP#49
(B&W), SCB Vol 1 (B&W)
490. 16 October 1949 - The
- Reprinted: WAR#13
(B&W), KSP#49 (B&W)
- Notes: The Warren
reprint incorrectly dated as 2 April 1950
491. 23 October 1949 - Fox At
- Reprinted: WAR#3
(B&W), KSP#49 (B&W),
SCB Vol 1 (B&W)
492. 30 October 1949 - Elect
Miss Rhinemaiden of 1950!
- Reprinted: KSM#37
(B&W), KSP#50 (B&W)

493. 6 November 1949 - The
Inner Voice
- Reprinted: KSP#50
- Notes: This is a framed
reprint of 324 with 2 new pages of art
(and equivalent number of panels deleted). Deadline
pressure caused this reprint to be substituted at the
last minute.
494. 13 November 1949 -
- Reprinted: WAR#3
(B&W), KSP#50 (B&W)
495. 20 November 1949 - The
Thanksgiving Spirit [of 1949]
- Reprinted: KSM#18
(B&W), KSP#50 (B&W)
496. 27 November 1949 - The
- Reprinted: WAR#3
(B&W), KSP#51 (B&W),
SCB Vol 1 (B&W)
497. 4 December 1949 - Winter
- Reprinted: WAR#15
(B&W), KSP#51 (B&W)
498. 11 December 1949 -
Flaxen Weaver (this is a refried version of 42)
- Reprinted: WAR#4
(B&W), KSP#51 (B&W)
499. 18 December 1949 -
Lonesome Cool (this is a refried version of 68)
- Reprinted: WAR#3
(B&W), KSP#51 (B&W)
500. 25 December 1949 - The
Christmas Spirit [of 1949: S. Kringle Claus]
- Reprinted: KSM#38
(B&W), KSP#52 (B&W),
The Christmas Spirit (COL)

501. 1 January 1950 - Fan
- Reprinted: KSM#18
(B&W), KSP#52 (B&W)

502. 8 January 1950 - Sand
- Reprinted: WAR#8
(B&W), KSP#52 (B&W),
SCB Vol 1 (B&W)
- Notes: This section and
the following one "reprint" the lead story from
the unpublished 1948 John Law comic
book. The original was 11 pages long. The splash page
became the splash of Section 503, while
the splash and next two pages of this section are new
(1950) art. Other than that, the pages are run in their
original order. Commissioner Bunyan and Nubbin have been
reworked with paste-overs (into Commissioner Dolan and
Sammy respectively) but John Law was transformed into The
Spirit by inking his eyepatch into a mask and then
whiting out his pipe. Some very minor rewriting was
necessary, chiefly in the area of names. However,
statements like Sand's, "You're a cop" were
allowed to stand, even though they do not apply to The
Spirit (John Law was, as his name implies, a police
detective). The cover and two other stories from John
Law were also reworked into Spirit Sections in
1950 and will be noted here. The original John
Law stories were published in 1983.

503. 15 January 1950 - Bring
in Sand Saref aka The Second and Final
Installment of 'Sand Saref'
- Reprinted: Help!
Vol. 2 No. 4 (B&W), Captain
George's Comic World#27 (B&W),
Witzend#4 (?), WAR#8 (B&W),
Masters of Comic Book Art (B&W),
KSP#52 (B&W), SCB
Vol 1 (B&W)
- Notes: see Notes on 502
above for relation between this story and John

504. 22 January 1950 - The
Predictions of Druid Peer
- Reprinted: KSP#53
505. 29 January 1950 - Ratt
- Reprinted: KSP#53
- Notes: Another John
Law feature, this was originally 8 pages long
and the name it bore was "Ratt Gutt". In
addition to the very minor rewriting necessitated by the
name change, the first two pages of the 1948 version were
scrapped (They had been a double page splash) and the
idea incorporated into a new one-page splash to bring the
page count down to the required 7. The original art was
pasted over and whited out to transform John Law into The
Spirit and Nubbin into William Waif. For more details on John
Law, see Notes to 502

506. 5 February 1950 -
Nickles Nerser
- Reprinted: KSM#23
(B&W), KSP#53 (B&W)

507. 12 February 1950 -
Roller Derby
- Reprinted: KSP#53
508. 19 February 1950 - The
Half-Dead Mr Lox
- Reprinted: KSP#54
- Notes: This was the
third story in the unpublished (until 1983) 1948 John
Law comic book. In its original form it was 6
pages long and starred John Law and Nubbin The Shoeshine
boy. As with the others in the series, it was converted
into a Spirit Section by inking a mask over Law's
eyepatch and transforming Nubbin into another character
(Willum Waif in this instance) by pasting new art over
the old and rewriting a few balloons. In addition the
original double page splash was cut apart and pasted up
with new art into pages 2 and 3 of the later versions and
a new splash was added by using some art from a rejected
cover for the first, discarded attempt at John
Law. For more details, see Notes to 502
and 511

509. 26 February 1950 - Blood
of the Earth (This is a partially refried version of 60)
- Reprinted: KSM#29
(B&W), KSP#54 (B&W), WE-3D#1 (B&W)

510. 5 March 1950 - Sammy and
- Reprinted: WAR#14
(B&W), KSP#54 (B&W)

511. 12 March 1950 - The
Jewel of Gizeh
- Reprinted: WAR#12
(B&W), KSP#54 (B&W)
- Notes: Although the rest
of the art for this section was written and drawn in
1950, the splash page is a reworked version of the final
cover for the unpublished 1948 John Law
comic book. In this section, the police badge has been
whited out of John Law's shirt and his pipe removed. His
eyepatch has been inked into a mask and the figures of
Sand, a policeman and a thug have replaced the various
others which had appeared in the foreground. This large
figure of John Law/The Spirit also formed the basis of
Basil Gogos' painting on the cover of WAR#1,
and a poster by Will Eisner using the same artwork was
published. The Warren reprint is incorrectly dated as 16
March 1950.

512. 19 March 1950 - Carrion
- Reprinted: WAR#12
(B&W), KSP#55 (B&W)
- Notes: The Warren
reprint is incorrectly dated as 18 March 1950

513. 26 March 1950 - The
- Reprinted: KSM#29
(B&W), KSP#55 (B&W)

514. 2 April 1950 - Water
- Reprinted: WAR#13
(B&W), KSP#55 (B&W)
- Notes: The Warren
reprint is incorrectly dated as 22 June 1947

515. 9 April 1950 - Rescue
- Reprinted: WAR#12
(B&W), KSP#55 (B&W)

516. 16 April 1950 - Taxes
and The Spirit
- Reprinted: WAR#6
(B&W), KSP#56 (B&W)
- Notes: Splash redrawn
for the never-published Harvey 3 (features a 1965 Income
Tax form) but published in this version for the first

517. 23 April 1950 - A Day at
the Zoo
- Reprinted: WAR#14
(B&W), KSP#56 (B&W)
518. 30 April 1950 - Wanted:
Dangerous Job
-Reprinted: KSM#17
(B&W), KSP#56 (B&W)
519. 7 May 1950 - Pito
- Reprinted: KSP#56
- Notes: This story was
written and drawn by Andre Le Blanc in 1948 for inclusion
in the never-published second issue of Kewpies
Comics. The original version was 6 pages long
and, like the Pito feature in the first Kewpies,
it starred Pito and his Uncle Tolo and was set in South
America. To convert it into a Spirit Section, Tolo's
sombrero was whited out and replaced with a turban and he
was renamed Abu Ram. Pito became Li'l Pandit and the
whole story was displaced to India. There was an abortive
attempt made to transform the South American leopard into
an Indian tiger (third panel of page 1), but the idea was
abandoned as being too much work, leaving some
inconsistancies. The first page, top tier of page 2 and
last panel of page 7 consist of a framing sequence by
Eisner, drawn in 1950.
520. 14 May 1950 - The
Robbery (refried in 619)
- Reprinted: WAR#13
(B&W), KSP#57 (B&W)
521. 21 May 1950 - Big Arky
- Reprinted: WAR#12
(B&W), KSP#57 (B&W)
522. 28 May 1950 - The Good
Old Days
- Reprinted: KSP#57
(B&W), Baseball Comics#2
- Notes: This story was
written by Jules Feiffer and drawn by Phillip
"Tex" Blaisdell in 1948 for inclusion in the
never- published second issue of Baseball Comics.
The original version was 6 pages long and, like the
"Good Old Days" feature in the first issue of Baseball
Comics, it consisted of narration by
"Pop" Flye, illustrated with pictures of a
true, historical ball game. To convert it into a Spirit
Section, Flye was pasted over and became Dolan, narrating
the story to Sammy. The first two pages, top two tiers of
page 3 and bottom tier of page 7 consist of a framing
sequence by Eisner, drawn in 1950. In 1997, Kitchen Sink
released a second issue of Baseball Comics,
following on from their reprint of the first issue - the
section was reprinted as it appeared as a Spirit section.

523. 4 June 1950 - Alligator
- Reprinted: KSM#17
(B&W), KSP#57 (B&W)
524. 11 June 1950 - Sammy the
- Reprinted: KSP#58
525. 18 June 1950 - Willum
and The Baron
- Reprinted: KSM#38
(B&W), KSP#58 (B&W)
- Notes: This story is a
refried version, substituting Willum for Nubbin, The
Spirit for John Law, etc., of an unpublished 1948 daily
strip by Eisner.

526. 25 June 1950 - Census
- Reprinted: KSM#20
(B&W), KSP#58 (B&W)
527. 2 July 1950 - The Moment
of Glory
- Reprinted: WAR#16
(B&W), KSP#58 (B&W)
528. 9 July 1950 - The Ship
Vs Darling O'Shea
- Reprinted: KSP#59
529. 16 July 1950 - The
- Reprinted: KSM#28
(B&W), KSP#59 (B&W)
530. 23 July 1950 - Dick
- Reprinted: WAR#14
(B&W), KSP#59 (B&W)
531. 30 July 1950 - The Chase
- Reprinted: WAR#14
(B&W), KSP#59 (B&W)
532. 6 August 1950 -
- Reprinted: WAR#14
(B&W), KSP#60 (B&W)
533. 13 August 1950 - The
Wreck of Old 78
- Reprinted: KSP#60
- Notes: This story is a
cross between an adaptation of the popular children's
book "The Little Engine Who Could" and the 19th
Century American folk song "The Wreck of Old
534. 20 August 1950 - The
First Man
- Reprinted: WAR#14
(B&W), KSP#60 (B&W)
535. 27 August 1950 - Camp
- Reprinted: KSP#60
536. 3 September 1950 - Cape
Cod Vacation
- Reprinted: KSM#17
(B&W), KSP#61 (B&W)
537. 10 September 1950 -
Teacher's Pet
- Reprinted: WAR#14
(B&W), KSP#61 (B&W),
SCB Volume 2 (B&W)
538. 17 September 1950 - The
Story of Sam aka The Story of Sam... The Saucer
That Wanted To Fly
- Reprinted: HAR#2
(COL), KSP#61 (B&W)
539. 24 September 1950 -
- Reprinted: WAR#10
(B&W and Blue Tones), KSP#61
- Notes: The Warren
reprint has splash page rearranged and given many added
sound effects
540. 1 October 1950 - The Big
- Reprinted: WAR#14
(B&W), KSP#62 (B&W)
541. 8 October 1950 -
O'Shea's Uncle
- Reprinted: KSP#62
542. 15 October 1950 -
Lizzy's Boys
- Reprinted: KSP#62
543. 22 October 1950 - The
- Reprinted: HAR#2
(COL), KSM#31 (B&W),
KSP#62 (B&W)
- Notes: This story is
loosely based on a Ring Lardner short story - which is
uncredited - called "The Haircut"

544. 29 October 1950 - The
Hallowe'en Spirit of 1950 aka The Hallowe'en
Spirit of 1950: Daughters of American Witch Hunters
- Reprinted: KSP#63
545. 5 November 1950 -
Vietnam '50
- Reprinted: KSM#34
(B&W), KSP#63 (B&W)
546. 12 November 1950 - Ellen
Dolan for Mayor (refried in 620)
- Reprinted: KSP#63

547. 19 November 1950 - La
- Reprinted: HAR#2
(COL), KSP#63 (B&W)
548. 26 November 1950 - The
Song of Little Willum
- Reprinted: KSP#64
549. 3 December 1950 - The
- Reprinted: WAR#6
(B&W), KSP#64 (B&W)
550. 10 December 1950 -
- Reprinted: KSM#17
(B&W), KSP#64 (B&W)
551. 17 December 1950 - Sammy
and Willum Take Over
- Reprinted: KSP#64
552. 24 December 1950 - The
Christmas Spirit [of 1950]
- Reprinted: KSP#65
(B&W), The Christmas Spirit (COL)

553. 31 December 1950 - Happy
New Year
- Reprinted: KSM#28
(B&W), KSP#65 (B&W)
- Notes: A deadline crisis
caused this story to be hastily concocted in place of the
terminally late 554 (which thus ran one
week late). Pages 1, 2, 6 and 7 are by Eisner; pages 3, 4
and 5 are by Feiffer - and they contain parodies of
several Sections from 1950, namely: 503,
512, 515, 516,
529, 532, 544
and 548

554. 7 January 1951 - A Time
- Reprinted: WAR#10
(B&W and blue tones), KSP#65
- Notes: This Section,
although ostensibly a New Year's tale, was printed one
week late due to deadline problems.

555. 14 January 1951 - Rife
- Reprinted: KSM#27
(B&W), KSP#65 (B&W)
- Notes: Several large
heads re-inked (not redrawn) in the KSM reprint because
they had originally been inked by an assistant and did
not match the style of ones inked by Eisner.

556. 21 January 1951 - Future
- Reprinted: KSM#18
(B&W), KSP#66 (B&W)
557. 28 January 1951 - The
Meanest Man in The World
- Reprinted: WAR#10
(B&W), KSP#66 (B&W)
558. 4 February 1951 -
Showdown with The Octopus (this is a framed reprint of 378)
- Reprinted: KSP#66
- Notes: The first page
and last tier on page 7 are new art from 1951

559. 11 February 1951 -
Octopus Back in U.S.A. aka The Octopus Is Back
- Reprinted: WAR#10
(B&W), KSP#66 (B&W)

560. 18 February 1951 - To
The Spirit With Love
- Reprinted: KSM#17
(B&W), KSP#67 (B&W)
561. 25 February 1951 -
Portier Fortune (This is a framed reprint of 340)
- Reprinted: KSP#67
- Notes: Contains two new
pages of art
562. 4 March 1951 - Death Is
My Destiny (This is a refried version of 123)
- Reprinted: WAR#10
(B&W), KSP#67 (B&W)
563. 11 March 1951 - The Case
of the Double Jones (This is a framed reprint of 386)
- Reprinted: KSM#25
(B&W), KSP#67 (B&W)
- Notes: The splash page
and last tier of page 7 are new art. The KSM reprint was
of 386, with only the splash page and
last tier of page 7 of this section reprinted as well.
564. 18 March 1951 - Darling
and The Octopus
- Reprinted: KSP#68
565. 25 March 1951 - Damsels
In Distress aka Damosels in Distress (This is a
framed reprint of 375)
- Reprinted: FH#5
(COL), KSP#68 (B&W)
- Notes: There is a total
of 1 2/3 pages of new art
566. 1 April 1951 - The Last
Prowl of Mephisto
- Reprinted: FH#4
(COL), KSP#68 (B&W)
567. 8 April 1951 - Dragnet
for Johnny Buffalo
- Reprinted: FH#5
(COL), KSP#68 (B&W)

Sections 568 through 583 -- and
585: Scripts by Will Eisner, Jules Feiffer or Klaus Nordling
(most by the latter two). Art by Eisner, with extensive assists
by Nordling and Jim Dixon. Lettering by Ben Oda or Sam Schwartz.
Colouring by Chris Christiansen (?) [Christiansen was in the
production department at American Visuals and may have also
contributed to the artwork on these]. Section 584: Script by
Jules Feiffer. Art by Jim Dixon, Al Wenzel, Don Perlin or (?).
568. 15 April 1951 -Time Bomb
aka The $50,000 Flim-Flam
- Reprinted: FH#2
(COL), KSM#20 (B&W),
KSP#69 (B&W)
569. 22 April 1951 - Hobart
- Reprinted: WAR#10
(B&W), KSP#69 (B&W)
570. 29 April 1951 - Help
- Reprinted: WAR#10
(B&W), KSP#69 (B&W)
571. 6 May 1951 - The Facts aka
Here Are The Facts
- Reprinted: KSM#17
(B&W), KSP#69 (B&W)
572. 13 May 1951 - The Hero
- Reprinted: WAR#14
(B&W), KSP#70 (B&W)
573. 20 May 1951 - The 7th
Husband aka Contraband Queen
- Reprinted: FH#2
(COL), KSM#18 (B&W),
KSP#70 (B&W), SCB
Volume 2 (B&W)
- Notes: This is really
P'Gell's ninth husband, despite the title!
574. 27 May 1951 -King Wang
- Reprinted: KSP#70
575. 3 June 1951 - The Thing
in the Jungle
- Reprinted: KSP#70
576. 10 June 1951 - Wanchu
- Reprinted: KSP#71
577. 17 June 1951 - Khyber
- Reprinted: KSP#71
578. 24 June 1951 - School Is
- Reprinted: KSP#71
579. 1 July 1951 - A Ticket
- Reprinted: KSP#71
580. 8 July 1951 - The Loot
of Robinson Crusoe
- Reprinted: FH#5
(COL), KSP#72 (B&W)
581. 15 July 1951 - Heat
- Reprinted: WAR#10
(B&W), KSP#72 (B&W)
582. 22 July 1951 - Hospital
Zone - Quiet aka Quiet
- Reprinted: FH#5
(COL), WAR#10 (B&W),
KSP#72 (B&W)
- Notes: In the Warren
reprint, The Octopus is added to splash, the Section is
redrawn in parts, and some new dialogue is added
583. 29 July 1951 - Veta
- Reprinted: KSM#39
(B&W), KSP#72 (B&W)
584. 5 August 1951 - The
Return of The Narcissus
- Reprinted: KSP#73
585. 12 August 1951 - The
Foxtrot Poll
- Reprinted: KSP#73

Sections 586 through 634:
Scripts by Jules Feiffer. Art by a number of unknown American
Visuals staff artists, including (probably) Jim Dixon, Al Wenzel,
Don Perlin, etc. Lettering by Sam Schwartz or Ben Oda. Colouring
by Chris Christiansen (?).
586. 19 August 1951 - Night
on the Waterfront aka Panic on Pier 8
- Reprinted: FH#1
(COL), KSP#73 (B&W)
587. 26 August 1951 - Deacon
- Reprinted: KSP#73
588. 2 September 1951 - Dance
of the Bullfighter aka The Sword and The Savage
- Reprinted: FH#4
(COL), KSP#74 (B&W)
589. 9 September 1951 - Dr.
Schyzoid aka Psychoanalyzing The Spirit
- Reprinted: KSP#74

590. 16 September 1951 - The
Counterfeit Killer aka The Case of the
Counterfeit Killer
- Reprinted: FH#1
(COL), KSP#74 (B&W)

591. 23 September 1951 -
Stony Keefer
- Reprinted: KSP#74
592. 30 September 1951 -
Roamin Umpire
- Reprinted: KSP#75
593. 7 October 1951 - The
Suicide Town aka The Town That Committed Suicide
- Reprinted: KSP#75
594. 14 October 1951 - Tiny
- Reprinted: KSP#75
595. 21 October 1951 - A
Guide to Clean Living
- Reprinted: KSP#75
596. 28 October 1951 - A
Perfect Crime Plot aka The Plot of the Perfect
- Reprinted: FH#1
(COL), KSP#76 (B&W)
597. 4 November 1951 -
Claymore Castle's Curse aka The Curse of
Claymore Castle
- Reprinted: FH#1
(COL), KSP#76 (B&W)
598. 11 November 1951 - Vote
for Scallion
- Reprinted: KSP#76
599. 18 November 1951 -
Baleful Buddah (This is a refried version of 316)
- Reprinted: FH#2
(COL), KSP#76 (B&W)
600. 25 November 1951 - The
League of Liars aka I Hate The Spirit Because
- Reprinted: FH#3
(COL), KSP#77 (B&W)
601. 2 December 1951 - The
Man From Mars
- Reprinted: KSP#77
602. 9 December 1951 - The
- Reprinted: KSP#77
603. 16 December 1951 - The
Spirit Gets Older
- Reprinted: KSP#77
604. 23 December 1951 - Joe
Fix aka The Christmas Spirit of 1951: Joe Fix
- Reprinted: KSP#78
(B&W), The Christmas Spirit

605. 30 December 1951 -
Joshua Blows His Horn aka The New Year's Spirit
of 1951/52: Joshua Blows His Horn
- Reprinted: KSP#78

606. 6 January 1952 - Fabian
- Reprinted: KSP#78
607. 13 January 1952 - Design
for Doomsday
- Reprinted: FH#4
(COL), KSP#78 (B&W)
608. 20 January 1952 - A
Witness to Murder
- Reprinted: KSP#79
609. 27 January 1952 - The
First Man on Mars aka The Amazing Affair of the
First Man on Mars
- Reprinted: FH#2
(COL), KSP#79 (B&W)
610. 3 February 1952 - A Man
Named Nero
- Reprinted: FH#3
(COL), KSP#79 (B&W)
611. 10 February 1952 - The
Snow Fort Massacre
- Reprinted: KSP#79
612. 17 February 1952 - Leap
- Reprinted: KSP#80
613. 24 February 1952 - It
Kills By Dark
- Reprinted: FH#3
(COL), KSP#80 (B&W)
614. 2 March 1952 - The Miami
Beach Rumble
- Reprinted: KSP#80
615. 9 March 1952 - A Walking
Corpse aka The Syndicate Strikes Again (This is
a partial refry of 471 - or a continuation of
it, perhaps - or an alternative version of it)
- Reprinted: FH#3
(COL), KSP#80 (B&W)
616. 16 March 1952 - Dolan
Walks a Beat (this is a refried version of 464)
- Reprinted: KSP#81
617. 23 March 1952 - Staple
- Reprinted: KSP#81
618. 30 March 1952 - Water
(this is a refried version of 514)
- Reprinted: KSP#81
619. 6 April 1952 - Links
Robbery (this is a refried version of 520)
- Reprinted: KSP#81
620. 13 April 1952 - Ellen
Dolan For Mayor (this is not so much a refry as a flashback to 546)
- Reprinted: KSP#82

621. 20 April 1952 - The
Great Galactic Mystery
- Reprinted: FH#4
(COL), KSP#82 (B&W)
622. 27 April 1952 - A
Different Face
- Reprinted: KSP#82
623. 4 May 1952 - L'Spirit
- Reprinted: KSP#82
624. 11 May 1952 - The
Incident of the Sitting Duck
- Reprinted: KSP#83
625. 18 May 1952 - Assassins
- Reprinted: KSP#83
626. 25 May 1952 - Assassins
Incorporated, Part 2
- Reprinted: KSP#83
627. 1 June 1952 - Sammy
Falls in Love
- Reprinted: KSP#83
628. 8 June 1952 - What Are
You Really Like?
- Reprinted: KSP#84
629. 15 June 1952 - 500
- Reprinted: KSP#84
630. 22 June 1952 - The
Golden Lilly
- Reprinted: KSP#84
631. 29 June 1952 - Rube
- Reprinted: KSP#84
- Notes: This contains the
first "Moon Report" on page 7
632. 6 July 1952 - The Ballad
of Greenly Sleeve
- Reprinted: KSP#85
633. 13 July 1952 - Matt
- Reprinted: KSP#85
- Notes: Second "Moon
Report" on page 7
634. 20 July 1952 - Marry The
- Reprinted: KSP#85
- Notes: Third "Moon
Report" on page 7

Sections 635 through 645 (Outer
Space): Scripts by Jules Feiffer and Will Eisner. Art by Wallace
Wood, Will Eisner and Al Wenzel. Lettering by Sam Schwartz, Ben
Oda or ?. Colouring by Wallace Wood and/or Chris Christiansen
and/or other staff artist.
635. 27 July 1952 - Outer
- Reprinted: KSM#20
(B&W), Outer Space Spirit
(B&W), KSP#85 (B&W)
- Notes: The KSM reprint
is wrongly dated as 3 August 1952

636. 3 August 1952 -
Mission... The Moon
- Reprinted: KSM#22
(B&W), Outer Space Spirit
(B&W), KSP#86 (B&W)

637. 10 August 1952 - A DP On
The Moon
- Reprinted: KSM#21
(B&W), Outer Space Spirit
(B&W), KSP#86 (B&W)

638. 17 August 1952 - Heat on
the Moon
- Reprinted: KSM#23
(B&W), Outer Space Spirit
(B&W), KSP#86 (B&W)

Sections 639 through 645 -
Four page stories
639. 24 August 1952 - Rescue
[On the Moon]
- Reprinted: KSM#24
(B&W), Outer Space Spirit
(B&W), KSP#86 (B&W)

640. 31 August 1952 - The
Last Man
- Reprinted: KSM#25
(B&W), Outer Space Spirit
(B&W), KSP#86 (B&W)

641. 7 September 1952 - The
Man In The Moon
- Reprinted: KSM#26
(B&W), Outer Space Spirit
(B&W), KSP#87 (B&W)

642. 14 September 1952 - The
Amulet of Osiris (This is a refried version of 444)
- Reprinted: KSM#27
(B&W), Outer Space Spirit
(B&W), KSP#87 (B&W)
- Notes: Produced at the
last minute when it became obvious that the story planned
for that week would not be completed in time. In fact,
the story which should have been number 642
came in so late, it did not run until number 644,
entirely out of continuity! Another planned piece, meant
to run as Section 643, exists in the
form of layouts and script, but was never pencilled or
inked. Instead, portions of it were hastily incorporated
into the rush job which became Section 643,
itself another fill-in. The KSM reprint was in reduced
form, with all 4 pages appearing on one.

643. 21 September 1952 - The
Spirit Back On Earth
- Reprinted: KSM#27
(B&W), Outer Space Spirit
(B&W), KSP#87 (B&W)
- Notes: This fill-in was
run when the art for what should have been Section 642,
already one week late, didn't come in. It should be read
AFTER the late story, which was printed as 644.
See Notes to 642 - the plot of this
Section was meant to run for two episodes, but was
squeezed into one at the last moment.

644. 28 September 1952 -
Return From The Moon
- Reprinted: KSM#28
(B&W), Outer Space Spirit
(B&W), KSP#87 (B&W)
- Notes: Read this story
BEFORE Section 643, this was the tale
originally intended as 642.

645. 5 October 1952 - Denny
Colt, UFO Investigator
- Reprinted: KSM#28
(B&W), Outer Space Spirit
(B&W), KSP#87 (B&W)
- Notes: This is the last
story printed. Scripted layouts (with the lettering
already inked) exist for one more Section and there are
typescripts for two more beyond that. This
"UFO" series was meant to continue where the
"Outer Space" series left off.
