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Where was Wonder Man's one and only appearance before Harry Donenfeld at DC Comics took legal action? (Answer at bottom of the page)
The following files are available to download. If you are using Internet Explorer 5 or above or Netscape 6 or above click on the link to begin the download. All of the files which are zipped or self extracting exes have been made with the use of Winzip.

Desktop Theme

This Spirit Desktop Theme was created by Douglas Nasluchacz and is designed for Windows 95/98/ME systems.

You can either download it as a self extracting exe (1154Kb) or as a zipped file (1124Kb)


This 5 page story by Will Eisner (for more information, click here) is available to download as an Adobe Acrobat document (743Kb).

Screen savers

A collection of the covers from the new adventures series. Designed by Douglas Nasluchacz it can be downloaded either as a self extracting exe file (947Kb), or as a zipped file (917Kb)

A collection of images from the series. Designed by Douglas Nasluchacz it can be downloaded as either a self extracting exe file (821Kb) or as a zipped file (792Kb)

1948 Christmas Spirit - This is a screensaver showing the 1948 Christmas Spirit story.

Self extracting exe files: Either with sound (509Kb) or without (508Kb)

Zipped files: Either with sound or without

These two zipped files are each around 480K in size, and will take approx 875388 bytes when installed

Spirit art#1 - A series of 4 illustrations from the KSP magazine covers.

Self extracting exe files: Either with sound (335Kb) or without (315Kb)

Zipped files: Either with sound or without

The zipped file with sound is 305KB to download, and will take up 575601 bytes when installed.The zipped file without sound is 284KB to download, and will take approx 507392 bytes when installed.


The following wav and zipped wav files are available:

Ev'ry Little Bug - a small clip from the John Christensen picture disc. Either as a wav (114Kb) or as a zipped wav (63Kb)

Ellen singing "Ev'ry Little Bug" - from the same picture disc. Either as a wav (205Kb) or as a zipped wav (95Kb).

Two promos from the 1948 television show:

Promo 1 - either as a wav (861Kb) or as a zipped wav (463Kb)

Promo 2 - either as a wav (349Kb) or as a zipped wav (185Kb)

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The New Comic Book Releases Web Site lists all new titles released weekly in the USA

Click here to goto Will Eisner's site!

Click here to visit Denis Kitchen's web site!

Trivia Answer: Wonder Comics #1.(For more information, click here)